Elvis W.

Focus on Growth, Not Just Recognition

In today’s fast-paced world, the focus on acquiring degrees, certificates, and accreditations often overshadows the real essence of learning. While formal education and qualifications have their place, they should not be the sole aim of our endeavors. Here’s a different…

Stop ‘Suckling’ Adult Babies

Parents often worry more about their children than the children worry about themselves. This concern is natural, but sometimes it leads to unintended consequences. A Common Scenario Consider this situation: A parent buys a KES 100,000 laptop for their son…

Masturbation: A Creeping Pandemic

Introduction You might be wondering why this topic has come up. It’s timely and necessary to discuss. A Disturbing Encounter I was having a conversation with a friend who shared a shocking story with me. “Elvis,” she began, “I was…