Elvis W.

Your 8-Month Guide to Developing Ethical Hacking Skills

The role of an ethical hacker is more essential than ever as the field of cybersecurity grows quickly.

A combination of technical expertise, practical experience, and an in-depth understanding of the cyber security environment may help you become an ethical hacker, regardless of your level of experience or desire to pursue a different line of work.

This is an 8-month program to get you started in the field of ethical hacking.

Month 1: Laying the starting point

Start out by learning the fundamentals. Learn some basic computer skills, get acquainted with cybersecurity, and recognize the role of the CIA Triad in protecting the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of data.

Understand the various forms of cyberattacks and what constitutes ethical hacking. Start by learning about the Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) platform and its tools.

Get the Hang of Networking in Month Two

The foundation of the internet is networking. This month, pay close attention to learning about IP and MAC addresses, network fundamentals, and how various network structures impact communication.

To understand how networks function, read up on the importance of ports and the OSI Model. Understand the differences between TCP and UDP protocols, which are crucial to network communication.

Months 3 and 4: Proficiency in programming languages

There is no ethical hacker who can avoid studying programming languages. You will study Python, JavaScript, and HTML all through the course of these two months; each has a specific function in hacking and cybersecurity.

You’ll turn to HTML for the fundamentals of web page structure, JavaScript for comprehending and taking advantage of online applications, and Python for building programs. On a Linux system, shell scripting will enable you to automate processes.

Month 5: Understanding Databases

Databases are informational gold mines. Learn SQL this month to efficiently handle and retrieve data. Comprehending data analysis is essential as it may highlight trends that are essential for safety measures. Improve your Python abilities further to handle data more effectively.

Months Six and Seven: Application in Reality

It’s time to start working with your hands. First, get familiar with Linux. Because of its control and flexibility, Linux is the operating system that many ethical hackers choose.

Expert tools include Wireshark for packet analysis, Nmap for network research, BurpSuite for web application security, and Metasploit for exploiting vulnerabilities. The toolset of an ethical hacker must include these items.

Month 8: Advanced Techniques of Cybersecurity

In the last month, challenge yourself. Investigate password cracking to learn more about improving system security. Explore online hacking and discover how to get secret data with Google Dorking.

Learn about steganography as the art of data concealment and explore how social engineering may be used to explore the psychological sides of cybersecurity.

Your first excursion into ethical hacking will be completed by learning how to hack WiFi and navigate the Dark Web.

In a nutshell, by adhering to this eight-month plan, you’re not only studying cybersecurity but rather becoming a professional with the know-how to change the digital landscape.

Being an ethical hacker is more than just a career; it’s a commitment to use your abilities to protect and help others in the digital era.

Recall that the journey is a continual process of learning, practicing, and improving; it continues even after a period of eight months. Future ethical hackers, be ready—the cyber world is waiting for you.

Articles: 58


  1. I desire to acquire computer literacy and this course will offer just the essential skills I desire. Great job you are doing.

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